Write a pascal program that will accept the names of all sales staff members and their total sales for the month. The algorithm must calculate the commission at 3% of their total sales amount. It should also display the name, total sales and commission of the member with the highest commission and the number of persons without commission.

What i Did:
write('Please Enter your Name: ');

case Fname_SSF of

'Amber','amber': begin

To write a Pascal program that accepts the names of sales staff members and their total sales for the month, and calculates their commission, follows these steps:

Step 1: Declare the necessary variables:

names: array [1..100] of string;
sales: array [1..100] of real;
commission: array [1..100] of real;
highestCommission: real;
highestCommissionIndex: integer;
noCommissionCount: integer;
i: integer;

Step 2: Accept the input from the user:

writeln('Enter the names of the sales staff members and their total sales for the month:');

for i := 1 to 100 do
write('Sales Staff Member ', i, ' Name: ');
write('Total Sales: ');

// Calculate the commission
commission[i] := sales[i] * 0.03;

// Update the highest commission and its index
if i = 1 then
highestCommission := commission[i];
highestCommissionIndex := i;
else if commission[i] > highestCommission then
highestCommission := commission[i];
highestCommissionIndex := i;

// Count number of persons without commission
if commission[i] = 0 then
noCommissionCount := noCommissionCount + 1;

Step 3: Display the output:

writeln('Sales Staff Member with the highest commission:');
writeln('Name: ', names[highestCommissionIndex]);
writeln('Total Sales: ', sales[highestCommissionIndex]:0:2);
writeln('Commission: ', commission[highestCommissionIndex]:0:2);

writeln('Number of persons without commission: ', noCommissionCount);

Putting it all together, here's the complete Pascal program:

program SalesCommission;

names: array [1..100] of string;
sales: array [1..100] of real;
commission: array [1..100] of real;
highestCommission: real;
highestCommissionIndex: integer;
noCommissionCount: integer;
i: integer;

writeln('Enter the names of the sales staff members and their total sales for the month:');

for i := 1 to 100 do
write('Sales Staff Member ', i, ' Name: ');
write('Total Sales: ');

// Calculate the commission
commission[i] := sales[i] * 0.03;

// Update the highest commission and its index
if i = 1 then
highestCommission := commission[i];
highestCommissionIndex := i;
else if commission[i] > highestCommission then
highestCommission := commission[i];
highestCommissionIndex := i;

// Count number of persons without commission
if commission[i] = 0 then
noCommissionCount := noCommissionCount + 1;

writeln('Sales Staff Member with the highest commission:');
writeln('Name: ', names[highestCommissionIndex]);
writeln('Total Sales: ', sales[highestCommissionIndex]:0:2);
writeln('Commission: ', commission[highestCommissionIndex]:0:2);

writeln('Number of persons without commission: ', noCommissionCount);


This program accepts the names and sales for up to 100 sales staff members and calculates their commission. It then outputs the details of the sales staff member with the highest commission and the number of persons without commission.

To write a Pascal program to solve this problem, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare variables: You will need variables to store the names of the sales staff members, their total sales, commissions, and other relevant information. You can declare variables like `FName_SSF` (for first name), `TotalSales`, `Commission`, and `MaxCommission`.

2. Initialize variables: Set the initial values of variables. For example, you can start with `MaxCommission` as 0.

3. Initialize a counter for persons without commission: Declare a variable `CountWithoutCommission` and set it to 0.

4. Create a loop: To accept the names and total sales of the sales staff, you will need a loop. You can use a `while` loop to repeatedly prompt the user for input until they indicate that they have finished entering data.

5. Inside the loop: Prompt the user to enter the name of a sales staff member and their total sales for the month using the `write` and `readln` statements.

6. Calculate commission: Calculate the commission of each sales staff member by multiplying their total sales by 3%. You can do this using the formula `Commission := TotalSales * 0.03`.

7. Check for maximum commission: Check if the calculated commission is greater than the current maximum commission (`MaxCommission`). If it is, update `MaxCommission` with the new value.

8. Check for persons without commission: Check if the commission is zero. If it is, increment the `CountWithoutCommission` variable by 1.

9. After the loop: Display the name, total sales, and commission of the sales staff member with the highest commission using the `writeln` statement.

10. Display the number of persons without commission using the `writeln` statement.

Here's an example of the Pascal code that implements the above steps:

program SalesCommission;

FName_SSF: string;
TotalSales, Commission, MaxCommission: real;
CountWithoutCommission: integer;

MaxCommission := 0;
CountWithoutCommission := 0;

while FName_SSF <> 'quit' do
write('Please enter your name ("quit" to exit): ');

if FName_SSF <> 'quit' then
write('Please enter your total sales: ');

Commission := TotalSales * 0.03;

if Commission > MaxCommission then
MaxCommission := Commission;

if Commission = 0 then

writeln('The person with the highest commission:');
writeln('Name: ', FName_SSF);
writeln('Total Sales: ', TotalSales:0:2);
writeln('Commission: ', Commission:0:2);

writeln('Number of persons without commission: ', CountWithoutCommission);

Note: In this example, the program will keep accepting names and total sales until the user enters "quit" as the name. You can modify the program to suit your specific requirements.

I hope this helps you understand how to write a Pascal program to solve this problem. Let me know if you have any further questions!
