solve dy/dx = y^2 - 4 using Separation of Variables?

To solve the differential equation dy/dx = y^2 - 4 using separation of variables, follow these steps:

Step 1: Separate the variables
Write the differential equation in the form of dy/dx = f(x)g(y). In this case, we have dy/dx = (y^2 - 4).

dy/(y^2 - 4) = dx

Step 2: Integrate both sides
Integrate both sides of the equation with respect to their respective variables.

∫ dy/(y^2 - 4) = ∫ dx

Step 3: Evaluate the integrals
The integral ∫ dy/(y^2 - 4) can be evaluated using partial fractions. The denominator can be factored as (y - 2)(y + 2):

1/[(y - 2)(y + 2)] = A/(y - 2) + B/(y + 2)

Multiplying through by (y - 2)(y + 2), we get:

1 = A(y + 2) + B(y - 2)

Solving for A and B by equating the coefficients, we find A = 1/4 and B = -1/4.

Now, we can integrate:

∫ (1/[(y - 2)(y + 2)]) dy = ∫ dx

(1/4) ∫ (1/(y - 2)) dy - (1/4) ∫ (1/(y + 2)) dy = ∫ dx

(1/4) ln|y - 2| - (1/4) ln|y + 2| = x + C

Step 4: Solve for y
Combine the logarithmic terms on the left side:

ln|y - 2| - ln|y + 2| = 4x + 4C

Using the properties of logarithms, we can simplify:

ln|y - 2|/(y + 2) = 4x + 4C

Exponentiate both sides:

|y - 2|/(y + 2) = e^(4x + 4C)

Step 5: Remove the absolute value
Since the absolute value notation is not convenient, we can consider both cases:

Case 1: y - 2 > 0 (y > 2)
In this case, the absolute value becomes:

(y - 2)/(y + 2) = e^(4x + 4C)

Simplify the equation:

y - 2 = (y + 2)e^(4x + 4C)

Distribute the exponential term:

y - 2 = (y + 2) * e^(4x) * e^(4C)

Since e^(4C) is a constant, we can combine it with y + 2:

y - 2 = Ae^(4x)

Case 2: y - 2 < 0 (y < 2)
In this case, the absolute value becomes:

-(y - 2)/(y + 2) = e^(4x + 4C)

Simplify the equation:

- (y - 2) = (y + 2)e^(4x + 4C)

Distribute the exponential term:

- y + 2 = (y + 2) * e^(4x) * e^(4C)

Simplifying further:

- y + 2 = Ae^(4x)

Step 6: Combine both cases
Combining both cases, we have:

y - 2 = Ae^(4x)


- y + 2 = Ae^(4x)

These are two possible solutions to the differential equation.