there are six different kinds of fruit pies in a baker. Each pie is the same size and is cut into 8 equal slices. Mr. Javier buys a slice of each pie. How many pies did Mr. Javier buy altogether

He bought six 8ths.

6/8 = 3/4

Mr. Javier bought a slice of each pie, and since each pie is cut into 8 equal slices, it means that Mr. Javier bought 1/8 of each pie.

Since there are six different kinds of fruit pies, Mr. Javier bought a slice of each kind of pie, which is 1/8 of each pie.

To find out how many pies Mr. Javier bought altogether, we can simply divide 1 by 8 and then multiply by 6:

1/8 * 6 = 6/8

Therefore, Mr. Javier bought a total of 6/8 or 3/4 of a pie.

To find out how many pies Mr. Javier bought altogether, we need to determine how many slices he purchased and then divide that number by the number of slices in each pie.

Since there are six different fruit pies and each pie is cut into 8 equal slices, there are a total of 6 x 8 = 48 slices.

As Mr. Javier buys a slice of each pie, he purchased 48 slices in total.

Now, to calculate how many pies he bought, we divide the total number of slices (48) by the number of slices in each pie (8):

48 slices ÷ 8 slices/pie = 6 pies.

Therefore, Mr. Javier bought 6 pies altogether.