1. To eat more healthful and decrease your calorie intake, MyPlate recommends that you

eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no snacks in between meals.

eliminate starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and lima beans that are high in carbohydrates.

drink fruit juice for extra nutrients, instead of water, when eating out.

vary your protein by sometimes choosing kidney, garbanzo, or navy beans or peas.

2. Ben noticed that his BMI places him as overweight. He would like to lose a few pounds to achieve a healthy weight. Which of the following choices will best help him lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight?

He should identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier.

He should follow a new fad diet, which requires taking diet pills.

He should continue his current eating habits, he is only a few pounds overweight.

He should exercise 4 hours a day for one week, then go back to his current habits.

3. The purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to (1) provide information on making smart food choices, (2) balance food intake with physical activity, (3) get the most nutrition out of the calories you consume, and one other important factor. Which activity demonstrates the fourth purpose of the guidelines?

ignoring a 30-day cabbage-only fad diet in order to lose weight

calculating your BMI

comparing the contents of the chips and whole wheat crackers you want to buy

washing your hands thoroughly after seasoning raw chicken

4. When reading a recipe’s ingredients, which substance makes the recipe an unhealthy choice if it is present in a high amount?



trans fat

unsaturated fat

Plz help and hurry

If you post what YOU THINK the answers are -- without guessing -- someone here will be happy to check them for you.

1. To eat more healthfully and decrease your calorie intake, MyPlate recommends that you:

- eliminate starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and lima beans that are high in carbohydrates.

2. Ben, who wants to lose a few pounds to achieve a healthy weight, should:
- identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier.

3. The purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to provide information on making smart food choices, balance food intake with physical activity, get the most nutrition out of the calories you consume, and one other important factor. The activity that demonstrates the fourth purpose of the guidelines is:
- comparing the contents of the chips and whole wheat crackers you want to buy.

4. When reading a recipe's ingredients, the substance that makes the recipe an unhealthy choice if it is present in a high amount is:
- trans fat.

Remember, it is important to make informed decisions about your health and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice.

1. To eat more healthfully and decrease calorie intake, MyPlate recommends that you:

- eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no snacks in between meals: This recommendation is not accurate. MyPlate actually encourages incorporating healthy snacks between meals to maintain energy levels and prevent overeating during main meals.
- eliminate starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and lima beans that are high in carbohydrates: This recommendation is not accurate. Starchy vegetables can provide important nutrients and fiber, but portion control is key.
- drink fruit juice for extra nutrients, instead of water, when eating out: This recommendation is not accurate. Fruit juice can be high in sugar and calories, so it's generally better to choose water or unsweetened beverages.
- vary your protein by sometimes choosing kidney, garbanzo, or navy beans or peas: This is an accurate recommendation. Incorporating a variety of protein sources, including plant-based options like beans and peas, can help ensure a balanced diet.

2. To help Ben lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight, the best choice is:
- He should identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier: This is the most appropriate choice. By assessing his eating habits and making healthier choices, Ben can create a sustainable plan for weight loss and maintenance.
- He should follow a new fad diet, which requires taking diet pills: This is not advisable. Fad diets often promote short-term results and can be unsustainable and potentially harmful.
- He should continue his current eating habits; he is only a few pounds overweight: It is generally recommended to make healthier choices rather than maintaining current habits if weight loss is desired.
- He should exercise 4 hours a day for one week, then go back to his current habits: This approach is not recommended. Sustainable weight loss and maintenance typically involve a balance of healthy eating habits and regular physical activity.

3. The fourth purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is best demonstrated by:
- Comparing the contents of the chips and whole wheat crackers you want to buy: This activity aligns with the fourth purpose, which is to help individuals make informed food choices. Comparing the nutritional content of different food options can aid in selecting healthier options.
- Ignoring a 30-day cabbage-only fad diet in order to lose weight: This activity does not demonstrate the fourth purpose directly.
- Calculating your BMI: While calculating BMI is important for assessing weight status, it does not directly demonstrate the fourth purpose of the guidelines.
- Washing your hands thoroughly after seasoning raw chicken: This activity pertains to food safety rather than the primary purpose of the guidelines.

4. The substance that makes a recipe an unhealthy choice if present in high amounts is:
- Trans fat: Trans fats are considered unhealthy fats and are best avoided in high amounts. They can increase the risk of heart disease.
- Fiber: Fiber is an essential nutrient that aids in digestion and can help maintain a healthy weight.
- Protein: Protein is essential for muscle maintenance and overall health, but its presence in high amounts alone does not necessarily make a recipe unhealthy.
- Unsaturated fat: Unsaturated fats, particularly when consumed in moderation, can be a healthy part of a balanced diet. It is excessive consumption of any type of fat, including unsaturated fats, that can lead to health issues.