At 10x10 grid can be used to represent hundredths. It can also represent percents. The world percent(%) means out of one hundred. For example, 50% means 50 out of one hundred.

Step 1 Use a 10x10 grid to model the percent of tiles in the mosaic that are green.

Step 2 In the mosaic, tiles out of 100 are green. As a fraction, this is 100. When the denominator is 100,the numerator gives the numerical value of the percent. So, % of the squares are green.

How many green tiles are there?

To use a 10x10 grid to represent the percent of tiles that are green in a mosaic, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a 10x10 grid on a piece of paper or in a drawing software. This grid will represent the entire mosaic.

Step 2: Shade a number of tiles in the grid to represent the percent of tiles that are green. For example, if 50% of the tiles are green, shade 50 out of the 100 tiles in the grid.

Step 3: To represent the shaded tiles as a fraction, use the number of shaded tiles as the numerator and the total number of tiles in the grid (100) as the denominator. For example, if 50 tiles are shaded, the fraction would be 50/100.

Step 4: To convert the fraction to a percent, multiply the fraction by 100. In this example, 50/100 * 100 = 50%. So, 50% of the tiles in the mosaic are green.

Remember, you can adjust the number of shaded tiles in the grid to represent different percentages. The key is to keep the denominator of the fraction as 100 to easily convert it to a percent.