What is the local time on longitude 10degree east when the time is 12 noon on G.M.T?


Sorry. This is the link I meant to post for you:


To determine the local time on any longitude, we need to know the time zone it falls under. Since you provided the longitude 10 degrees east, we will look for the time zone that encompasses that region.

To calculate the local time on a specific longitude, we need to know the offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) for that time zone. Each time zone has a specific offset which determines how many hours ahead or behind it is from GMT.

In this case, we will refer to the time zone that approximately corresponds to the 10 degrees east longitude. For this longitude, the most relevant time zone is Central European Time (CET) or Central European Standard Time (CET) during standard time and Central European Summer Time (CEST) during daylight saving time. The standard offset from GMT for CET is UTC+1, and for CEST it is UTC+2.

Since you mentioned that the time is 12 noon on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which has a time offset of UTC+0, we can calculate the local time on the 10 degrees east longitude as follows:

CET (UTC+1) is one hour ahead of GMT. Therefore, when it is 12 noon on GMT, it would be 1 PM (13:00 hours) on the 10 degrees east longitude.

CEST (UTC+2) is two hours ahead of GMT. During daylight saving time, which is usually observed from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, the offset changes. So, if it is currently during daylight saving time, we need to add an additional hour. In that case, when it is 12 noon on GMT, it would be 2 PM (14:00 hours) on the 10 degrees east longitude.

Please note that the actual local time may vary depending on the country or region within the time zone and whether daylight saving time is being observed. It is always a good practice to refer to a reliable time source or an online time zone converter for precise local times in specific locations.