An image representation of four distinct types of graphic organizers emphasizing dynamic aspect of one. The first is a Venn diagram with interlocking circles, the second is a bubble map featuring multiple interconnected bubbles, the third is a timeline illustrated with a horizontal line punctuated by specific event markers, and the final one is a story map with a series of boxes denoting key elements of a tale. Attention is drawn more to the timeline, subtly suggesting its utility in portraying changes over time.

Which graphic organizer best represents changes over a period of time?

Venn diagram
Bubble map
Story map

Plz correct me!!

1. c

2. d
3. c

hope it helped :D

Lol "Snitching" on students wont do anything for you.

Teacher snitcher can't legally tell who you are unless you give him/her your name, so don't worry about it.

1. C (timeline)

2. D (a list of all your birthdays, including the years and events that...
3. C (title, description of timeline, dates in order, events)

TEACHER SNATCHER ur here to so tf idiot

ANSWERS is correct got a 100

lel and if you were a teacher then you would speek formally and not in ALL CAPS plus you have no name proof

Yuupp "ANSWERS" is correct, YaaDigg?

stupid teacher snitcher, your probably just a kid trying to scare everyone so go die in a hole, I mean, cmon!