What does "to do no shirk" mean?

Please include the entire sentence ... or even better, two or three sentences. Context is usually everything!

I'm writing a poem about a day when I don't know what to do. In my above sentence, I intend to say that I finished all my chores and that I don't avoid any difficulty or responsibility. Does this sentence imply this meaning?

"shirk" is a verb, but you're trying to use it as a noun! It won't work well, even in a poem meant to be funny! And I don't think you're trying to be funny, right?


It'd be better if you rephrase, using synonyms for "avoidance" or "irresponsibility" or other related word.

synonyms ~~> http://www.thesaurus.com

Would it sound better if I say, "I don't shirk?"

Ah, yes ... MUCH better!

Thank you so much! I have one more..."I chide myself on such a poor decision." Does "chide" work well here, or would you suggest that I use something different?

"Chide" works fine there, yes, but be sure to use the correct preposition with it. It should be ...

I chide myself for such a poor decision.

The phrase "to do no shirk" means to not avoid or neglect one's responsibilities or duties. It emphasizes the importance of taking on tasks and obligations without hesitation or evasion.

If you encounter unfamiliar words or phrases, there are various ways to find their meanings:

1. Dictionary: Traditional dictionaries, either in book form or online, provide definitions and explanations of words and phrases. You can search for the specific phrase "do no shirk" to get its definition and usage examples.

2. Internet search: Search engines like Google can be used to look up the phrase or individual words within it. By typing "do no shirk meaning" in the search bar, you will likely find explanations, definitions, and various sources discussing the phrase.

3. Context clues: Analyzing the context in which the phrase is used can often provide insight into its meaning. Look for clues within the sentence or surrounding text to understand the intention behind "to do no shirk." This may involve examining the actions, attitudes, or consequences mentioned in the context.

Remember that language is dynamic, and the meaning of phrases can vary depending on the specific situation or cultural context. So, exploring multiple sources and understanding the surrounding context can help you grasp the intended meaning of a particular phrase.