did you hear about... it says its supposed to be a novel.. my words are robins, because,rooster,so,name,sun,best,the,was,banks,gave,wrecked,robinson,farmer,crew,he,who,pet,the,his. it's 13 boxes long.

Based on the information you provided, it seems like you have a sequence of words and a clue suggesting that it is related to a novel. The sequence of words you mentioned, "robins, because, rooster, so, name, sun, best, the, was, banks, gave, wrecked, robinson," appears to be a sentence or a list of words.

To determine if this sentence or list of words is related to a novel, you can start by searching for any well-known novels that contain some of these words, particularly "Robinson." One famous novel that might come to mind is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe.

To further investigate whether these words are related to "Robinson Crusoe" or any other novel, you can analyze the remaining words, "farmer, crew, he, who, pet, his," and see if they align with the storyline or characters of the novel you suspect. Additionally, you can conduct an online search using a combination of the words from the given sequence to find any references or connections to a novel.

Remember, it's essential to provide more context or specific information about the novel or sentence you are referring to if you want a more accurate answer.