I have a few questions about World War I that I can't seem to find information about in any textbooks or online:

Was Russia forced to act in defense of Serbia to protect access to the warm water of the Black Sea?

Did France extend support to Russia in an effort to recover lands lost to Germany in the Franco-Prussian War?

I don't think "forced" is the appropriate word. However, Russia and Serbia had an agreement that Russia would help defend Serbia.


Here's the details of the agreement between Russia and France.


To find information about these questions, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Start with a general search: Begin by searching on reputable websites or search engines using keywords related to your questions. For example, you can search terms like "Russia's involvement in World War I," "France's support to Russia in World War I," or specific terms related to the Black Sea or the Franco-Prussian War.

2. Look for historical sources: Look for books or academic journal articles that specialize in the topic of World War I or the specific countries involved. Check library catalogs, online databases, or even consult a librarian who can guide you in finding relevant sources.

3. Examine primary sources: Primary sources such as letters, diaries, or speeches from that time period can provide valuable insights. Look for collections of primary sources related to World War I, diplomatic correspondence, or government statements from the involved countries.

4. Consult history textbooks or scholarly works: Even though you mentioned not finding information in textbooks, it's still worth exploring different textbooks or scholarly works, as different sources may present the information in varying ways. Look for textbooks or academic papers specifically focused on World War I or diplomatic relations during that era.

5. Consider different perspectives: Keep in mind that historical events can have multiple interpretations and perspectives. Different historians may have varying opinions on the motivations behind Russia's actions or France's support in World War I. Reading multiple sources will help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Remember, these steps are a general guide to help you find information about your questions. It's important to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources you find and compare information from multiple sources to form a well-rounded understanding of the topic.