The surface area of any shape is expressed in:

A. square units.

B. cubic units.

C. feet and inches.

D. length and width.

What is your answer?


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The correct answer is A. square units.

To determine the surface area of any shape, you calculate the total measure of the exposed or outer portions of that shape. This total measure is expressed in square units. Square units refer to a measurement that is obtained by multiplying two linear units together. For example, if you have a square with sides measuring 5 units each, the surface area would be expressed as 5 units x 5 units = 25 square units. Similarly, for a rectangle with a length of 6 units and a width of 4 units, the surface area would be 6 units x 4 units = 24 square units.

It is important to use square units to express surface area because they account for the two-dimensional nature of the shape. Cubic units, on the other hand, are used to measure volume which is a three-dimensional concept. Feet and inches are units of linear measurement and do not provide a total measure of surface area. Lastly, length and width are used to describe the dimensions of a shape, not the measure of its surface area.