A good way to establish a conclusion as true, or probable, is to

A)insist that you are correct.
b)construct a strong argument.
c)construct a fallacious argument.
d)ignore any objections to your conclusion

I think it is b, can you help me to be sure.

Of course, you're right.

The other answers are ridiculous!

Ms Sue, you need to explain that to the current crop of Presidential primary contestants.


Construct a strong argument.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:

A) Insist that you are correct: This approach is not a reliable way to establish the truth or probability of a conclusion. Merely asserting or insisting that you are correct without providing sound reasoning or evidence does not make the conclusion any more likely to be true.

B) Construct a strong argument: This option seems more promising. Constructing a strong argument involves using logical reasoning, valid evidence, and supporting facts to logically support your conclusion. A strong argument can make the conclusion more probable.

C) Construct a fallacious argument: A fallacious argument is one that contains errors in reasoning and is not valid. Constructing a fallacious argument is not a reliable method to establish the truth or probability of a conclusion. Fallacies can distort or mislead the argument, making the conclusion less trustworthy.

D) Ignore any objections to your conclusion: Ignoring objections to your conclusion is a dismissive approach that does not contribute to establishing the truth or probability of the conclusion. It is important to consider objections and counterarguments to strengthen your argument and address any potential weaknesses.

Based on the analysis, option B, constructing a strong argument, is the most reliable way to establish a conclusion as true or probable. By presenting sound reasoning, solid evidence, and logical connections between the premises and conclusion, you can build a convincing case for your conclusion.

It's great that you reached the same conclusion! To be sure, you can always evaluate each option carefully and consider other perspectives, but constructing a strong argument remains the most effective method to establish the truth or probability of a conclusion.