Leon bought a 10 speed bicyle on sale for 75% of oringinal price.The sale price was $41 less than the origina lprice. find the original price and the sale price.

240.00 DOLLARS

How do I set this problem up to solve?Loretta bought a DVD player for $77. She bought the DVD player on sale for 30% off the original price. What was the original price of the DVD player?


To find the original price and the sale price of the bicycle, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information:

Let's assume "x" represents the original price of the bicycle.

According to the problem, Leon bought the bicycle on sale for 75% of the original price, so the sale price is: 0.75x.

It is also given that the sale price was $41 less than the original price, so we can set up the equation: 0.75x = x - 41.

To solve this equation, we can isolate the "x" term:

0.75x - x = -41
-0.25x = -41
x = -41 / -0.25
x = 164

Therefore, the original price of the bicycle is $164.

To find the sale price, we can substitute the value we found for the original price back into the equation for the sale price:

Sale Price = 0.75 * 164
Sale Price = $123

So, the original price of the bicycle is $164 and the sale price is $123.