convert the following credit card rate to the APR. nebraska, 0.03562% daily rate? Round to the nearest whole number

APR = 0.03562%/day * 365day/yr = 13.00%

To convert the daily rate to the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the daily rate to a monthly rate by multiplying it by 30 (assuming an average of 30 days in a month):

0.03562% × 30 = 1.0686%

Step 2: Convert the monthly rate to an annual rate by multiplying it by 12 (assuming 12 months in a year):

1.0686% × 12 = 12.8232%

Step 3: Round the annual rate to the nearest whole number:

12.8232% ≈ 13%

Therefore, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for the given credit card rate in Nebraska is approximately 13%.

To convert the daily credit card rate to the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), we need to use the following formula:

APR = (1 + daily rate)^365 - 1

Let's calculate it step by step.

First, convert the daily rate from a percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

0.03562% = 0.0003562

Next, add 1 to the decimal rate:

1 + 0.0003562 = 1.0003562

Now, raise this sum to the power of 365 (the number of days in a year):

(1.0003562)^365 = 1.142141346

Next, subtract 1 from the result:

1.142141346 - 1 = 0.142141346

Finally, multiply the decimal result by 100 to obtain the APR as a percentage:

0.142141346 * 100 = 14.21

To round the APR to the nearest whole number, round 14.21 to 14.

Therefore, the APR for the given credit card rate of 0.03562% daily in Nebraska is approximately 14%.