who is meant by stupa ?

A stupa is a type of Buddhist monument or shrine. It is commonly seen in Buddhist countries, such as India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Tibet. The stupa is typically a dome-shaped structure that contains relics or sacred objects associated with the Buddha or other important figures in Buddhism.

If you want to learn more about stupas or any other topic, you can find information through various sources. Here's how you can get more details about stupas:

1. Internet search engine: Use search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to input your query, such as "What is a stupa?" or "Buddhist stupas." The search engine will provide you with a list of websites, articles, videos, and images related to the topic.

2. Books and libraries: Look for books on Buddhism, Buddhist architecture, or specific regions where stupas are prevalent. Libraries also stock academic journals, encyclopedias, and reference books that provide comprehensive information.

3. Buddhist organizations and centers: Connect with Buddhist organizations, centers, or temples near your locality. They often have knowledgeable teachers or practitioners who can explain the concept of stupas in detail and may even have stupas on their premises.

4. Academic courses or lectures: Check for universities or educational institutions offering courses in Buddhist studies, art history, or world religions. These classes often delve into the history, significance, and symbolism of stupas.

Whether you choose a digital or physical source, it is crucial to consider the credibility of the information. Cross-checking facts from multiple reliable sources can ensure a well-rounded understanding of the stupa and its significance in Buddhism.