which of the following statements is a good technique to use when tutoring a student?

(a)''the next problem is easy.you should be able to get it.''
(b)''this next problem is hard,but lets see if you can get it.''(my answer)
(c)''johney and erica can do these problems,why cant you?''
(d)''cant you ever get anything right?''

what type of questions are based on fact and have a specific right answer?

(a)objective questions (my answer)
(b)subjective questions
(c)analysis questions
(d)evaluation questions

which of the following classroom arrangements work best for individual study?
(a)traditional arrangement(my answer)
(b)horseshoe arrangement
(c)modular arrangement
(d)y-shaped arrangement

which type of thinking is encouraged by the discoveryt model of teaching?
(b)inductive(my answer)

ms sue please check my answers thanks

I agree with your answers.

Your answers are correct!

For tutoring a student, it is important to adopt a supportive and encouraging approach, which is why option (b) is the best technique to use.

Objective questions have a specific right answer, so option (a) is the correct choice.

For individual study, the traditional arrangement is usually the most effective, making option (a) the correct answer.

The discovery model of teaching encourages inductive thinking, so option (b) is the right choice.

Well done!

Your answers are mostly correct. Here is the explanation for each question:

1) When tutoring a student, it is important to use positive and encouraging language. Option (b) is the best technique as it acknowledges the difficulty of the problem while still encouraging the student to give it a try.

2) Questions that have a specific right answer and are based on facts are called objective questions. So, your answer (a) is correct.

3) The classroom arrangement that works best for individual study is the traditional arrangement. This arrangement generally provides students with their own personal space to focus on their work, making it easier for individual study. So, your answer (a) is correct.

4) The discovery model of teaching encourages inductive thinking. Inductive thinking involves the gathering of specific evidence and information to form general conclusions or theories. So, your answer (b) is correct.

Overall, great job on your answers!