Can someone help me with this assignment?

Complete the following for identifying an ethical issue:
• Identify an potential ethical dilemma from a real company. The company could be a current company for which you work, a company in which you used to work, a friend’s company, or so on. The ethical issue or problem selected must affect the company, potentially affect the company, or involve the company.
• Explain the issues involved, including:
o Identify the stakeholders.
o Identify the concerns of the stakeholders.
For example, a company may chose to videotape the office and read employee e-mails. The conflict here may be that employees feel these practices are a violation of privacy and feel they have a right to a certain level of the privacy. However, stakeholders defend these practices because their concerns are whether the employees are getting their work done.
• Explain why you chose this particular issue and why the issue is important.
• Examine the current relevance of the issue. Is the issue currently in the media spotlight? Are there any recent incidents or reasons why this issue has come to the public’s attention.

Sure, I can help you with this assignment. To identify an ethical issue, you can follow the steps below:

1. Identify a potential ethical dilemma from a real company: Think about a company that you are familiar with or have access to information about. It can be a current or former workplace, a friend's company, or any other company that you have knowledge about. Look for situations where there may be conflicting values, moral principles, or legal obligations.

2. Explain the issues involved: Once you've identified a potential ethical issue, you need to examine it in more detail. Start by identifying the stakeholders involved, which are individuals or groups that have a vested interest or could be affected by the issue. Stakeholders can include employees, customers, shareholders, the local community, or any other relevant parties.

3. Identify the concerns of the stakeholders: For each stakeholder, identify their specific concerns related to the ethical issue. For example, in the case of employee surveillance, employees may be concerned about their right to privacy, whereas stakeholders defending this practice may be concerned about productivity and ensuring that work is being done.

4. Explain why you chose this particular issue and its importance: Share your personal rationale for selecting this specific ethical issue. Explain why it is significant or meaningful to you. Consider discussing how this issue aligns with your personal values or interests, or how it relates to larger societal concerns or legal frameworks.

5. Examine the current relevance of the issue: Research whether the issue is currently in the media spotlight or if there have been recent incidents or public attention surrounding it. Look for examples or news articles that highlight the importance or impact of the ethical issue. This will help you showcase the relevance and timeliness of the chosen issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify an ethical issue within a real company and provide a thorough explanation of the issue, its stakeholders, their concerns, the reasons for selecting this issue, and its current relevance.