how to put weights in order from least to greatest

I really don't know.

To put weights in order from least to greatest, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather all the weights that need to be sorted.

2. Compare the weights by putting them side by side and identifying the smallest weight.

3. If you have many weights to compare, start with any two weights and compare them. If the weight on the left is heavier than the weight on the right, swap their positions. Keep doing this until you reach the end of the weights.

4. Once you have compared the first two weights, move on to the next two weights. Again, compare them and swap their positions if necessary. Continue this process until you have compared all the weights.

5. After completing the comparisons, you should have the lightest weight at the beginning, and the heaviest weight at the end of the list.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 until all the weights are in the correct order from least to greatest.

By following these steps, you will be able to put weights in order from least to greatest.

To put weights in order from least to greatest, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather all the weights you want to order.

2. Identify the weight with the lowest value. This will be the weight that has the smallest numerical value or the lightest weight.

3. Compare this weight to the others. Take each weight and compare it to the current lowest weight. If you find a weight that is smaller or lighter, swap their positions.

4. Repeat step 3 for all the remaining weights while keeping track of the current lowest weight. As you progress through the list, the current lowest weight will gradually move towards the front of the list.

5. Continue comparing and swapping weights until you reach the end of the list. At this point, the weight with the lowest value will be at the front of the list.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the remaining weights that have not been sorted yet. As you go through each iteration, the next smallest weight will move towards the front of the list.

7. Once you have gone through all the weights, the list will be sorted from least to greatest.

If you prefer a more visual approach, you can also consider creating a table with two columns. In the first column, list all the weights, and in the second column, write down the numerical values. Then, arrange the weights in ascending order based on their numerical values.

Remember, when comparing weights, consider both the numerical value and the unit of measurement.

Which weights?