Suppose you earn $7 per hour The number of hours you work (input) determines your pay (output) i need the inputs and outputs


To determine the inputs and outputs in this scenario, we need to understand that the number of hours worked is the input, and the corresponding pay earned is the output.

Input: Number of hours worked
Output: Pay earned

So, if we consider the example where you earn $7 per hour, here is how we can calculate the inputs and outputs:

Input: Number of hours worked
Suppose you worked 5 hours.

Output: Pay earned
To determine the pay earned, you can multiply the number of hours worked by the hourly rate of $7 per hour.
Pay earned = Number of hours worked * Hourly rate
Pay earned = 5 hours * $7/hour
Pay earned = $35

Therefore, if you work 5 hours, the output would be that you earn $35.