You work as the manager of the second largest bank in your region of the United States. The bank's top management team has asked you to present an overview of how the current economy and financial changes have impacted your business and what changes must be made as a result. Create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of no more than 8 slides and use bulleted points to outline this information. Remember this is an overview of the current situation for top management!

Slide 1:

Title: Overview of the Current Economy and Financial Changes
- Introduce the topic and purpose of the presentation

Slide 2:
Title: Impact on Bank Business
- Discuss the overall impact of the current economy and financial changes on the bank's business
- Highlight key challenges faced by the bank

Slide 3:
Title: Changes in Customer Behavior
- Examine the changes in customer behavior due to the current economy and financial changes
- Discuss the shift in demand for certain banking services

Slide 4:
Title: Technology and Digital Transformation
- Explain the importance of technology and digital transformation in adapting to the current economic climate
- Highlight the need for investing in digital banking platforms and services

Slide 5:
Title: Regulatory and Compliance Considerations
- Address the impact of regulatory changes on the bank's operations
- Discuss the need for enhanced compliance measures to navigate the changing landscape

Slide 6:
Title: Risk Management Strategies
- Outline the revised risk management strategies to mitigate risks associated with the current economic environment
- Discuss the importance of stress testing and scenario analysis

Slide 7:
Title: Cost Optimization Measures
- Present cost optimization measures to maintain financial stability
- Discuss potential areas for cost reduction or efficiency improvements

Slide 8:
Title: Action Plan
- Summarize the key changes that need to be implemented as a result of the current economy and financial changes
- Present a high-level action plan outlining the steps to be taken

Note: The above outline provides a framework for your PowerPoint presentation. It is essential to fill in each slide with relevant bullet points and supporting information to create a comprehensive and impactful presentation for top management.