which eurasian republic is the largest

To determine which Eurasian republic is the largest, we can look at two main factors: land area and population.

For land area, we can consult reliable sources such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook or the United Nations (UN) World Population Prospects. These sources provide comprehensive data on the land area of countries and their territories.

To find the largest population, we can refer to the same sources or consult the United Nations' Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), which provides estimates and projections for population sizes based on national censuses and surveys.

Please note that these rankings can vary slightly depending on the sources and the specific criteria used. It's always good to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

If you have access to the internet, you can search for "Eurasian republics by land area" or "Eurasian republics by population" to find the current and most reliable information.