I have a question about sets. If you have uppercase letters and lower case letters and they question is asking are these equal or equivalent or neither. I believe it would be equivalent because they are the same but different. Please help thanks

To determine if two sets are equal, we need to check if they have exactly the same elements. In this case, if your set of uppercase letters and set of lowercase letters have the exact same letters, then they would be considered equal.

However, if the question is asking if the sets are equivalent, it means that they have the same number of elements, but the elements may not be exactly the same. In this case, the sets of uppercase and lowercase letters would be considered equivalent since they both have the same number of letters.

So, in summary:
- If the sets have exactly the same letters in the exact same form (uppercase or lowercase), they are equal.
- If the sets have the same number of letters, but they may differ in their case (uppercase or lowercase), they are equivalent.
- If the sets have different letters or different number of letters, they are neither equal nor equivalent.

In your specific example, the sets of uppercase and lowercase letters are neither equal nor equivalent because they have different elements.