what is the geographic features of the eastern woodlands

thier were many trees and very large bodies of water. thier are alot of montains too

Corrected sentences:

There are many trees and very large bodies of water. There are many mountains, too.

troooooooool-loooooooool-loooooool, no tell !!!!!!!!!!!

hate this

So there is no answer that is crazy

The Eastern Woodlands is a region located in the northeastern and southeastern parts of North America. It is characterized by various geographic features that have played a significant role in shaping the lives of the indigenous peoples who historically inhabited this area.

To explore the geographic features of the Eastern Woodlands, you can start by researching the following:

1. Landforms: The region comprises a diverse range of landforms, including coastal plains, rolling hills, and river valleys. One notable landform is the Appalachian Mountains, which run through the eastern part of the region.

2. Lakes and Rivers: The Eastern Woodlands is home to numerous lakes and rivers that have been essential for transportation, trade, and food sources. Some prominent water bodies include the Great Lakes (such as Lake Erie and Lake Ontario) and major rivers like the Mississippi, Ohio, and St. Lawrence rivers.

3. Forests: As the name suggests, the Eastern Woodlands is primarily covered by dense forests. The dominant tree species in this region are deciduous trees like oak, maple, hickory, and beech, which provide a rich habitat for wildlife and served as crucial resources for indigenous communities.

4. Climate: The climate in the Eastern Woodlands varies depending on the location within the region. Generally, it experiences four distinct seasons, including hot summers and cold winters. The proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico also influences the climate patterns.

By researching the specific geographic features of the Eastern Woodlands, you can gain a deeper understanding of the environment and the impact it had on the native cultures that thrived in this region.