Describe the major classical period trading patterns within and among China, India and the Mediterranean?

The major classical period trading patterns within China, India and the Mediterranean are:
Expanded territory – added southern rice valley
Feudal system
Weights, measures, coinage standardized
Powerful military
Building projects undertaken
Polis – city-state – politics
Promoted trade and communication

is that correct ...plz help

i reallly don't know if tha bs is correct but i hpe it is :)

Yes, your answer captures some important elements of the major classical period trading patterns within China, India, and the Mediterranean. However, it could be further expanded to provide a more thorough explanation.

During the classical period, trade played a crucial role in connecting and influencing the civilizations of China, India, and the Mediterranean. Here are some specific trading patterns within and among these regions:

1. China:
- Expanded territory: China expanded its territory southward during the Han Dynasty, which included the incorporation of the southern rice valley. This expanded their agricultural production and trading opportunities.
- Feudal system: China operated under a feudal system called the "Mandate of Heaven," where rulers granted land rights to nobles in exchange for their loyalty, administration, and military support.
- Standardization: Weights, measures, and coinage were standardized to facilitate trade and create a more unified economy.
- Powerful military: China maintained a powerful military, which ensured the safety of trade routes and protected against potential invasions.
- Building projects: China constructed various infrastructure projects, such as the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, which facilitated transportation and trade across the empire.

2. India:
- Polis system: In ancient India, numerous city-states called "Polis" emerged, which became the centers of political, economic, and cultural activity. These city-states facilitated trade and commerce.
- Trade and communication: India had extensive trade networks within its region and with other civilizations, such as China and the Mediterranean. Trade occurred via both land and maritime routes, including the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trade routes.
- Agricultural production: India had diverse and prosperous agricultural production, allowing for the export of goods like spices, textiles, and precious stones.
- Cultural exchange: Trade also facilitated the exchange of ideas, religions, and philosophies between India and other civilizations.

3. Mediterranean:
- Sea routes and maritime trade: The Mediterranean Sea was a hub of trade and commerce, connecting various civilizations, including those of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Maritime trade played a significant role in the exchange of goods and ideas.
- City-states and empires: While the Mediterranean region consisted of various city-states, powerful empires like the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire dominated long-distance trade and controlled key trading ports.
- Cultural diffusion: The Mediterranean trade fostered cultural exchange and the spread of languages, religions, and philosophies among different civilizations.
- Goods and resources: The Mediterranean region traded a wide range of goods, including precious metals, spices, textiles, olive oil, and wine.

To further enhance your answer, you can delve into specific trade routes, notable trading cities, notable products, or examples of cultural exchange between these regions.