russia depends primarly upon ___ for transportation.

A)cars and trucks
B)airplanes and cars
C)railroads and waterways
D)subways and trucks
my choice is d

why is public transportation important in russia?
A)private ownership of automobile is forbidden
B)the fares help fund social welfare programs
C)nobody commutes to work
D) most people live in cities and do not own cars
my choice d

Since subways only run in cities, d cannot be the right answer. Please check your text again.

Your second answer is correct.

Rereading the second question, perhaps your answer to the first is correct. I was thinking about shipping goods across the vast expanse of Russia -- making railroads and waterways more important.

To determine the correct answer to the question, we can examine the transportation infrastructure in Russia. Public transportation is important in Russia because most people live in cities and do not own cars (Choice D). This is due to several factors such as the high cost of owning a vehicle, limited parking availability, and the prevalence of efficient public transportation options. Additionally, Russia has a well-developed public transportation system consisting of subways, buses, trams, and trolleybuses that provide convenient and affordable means of travel for the general population.

As for the first question, determining the primary mode of transportation in Russia can be done by considering the country's transportation infrastructure. Russia primarily depends on railroads and waterways (Choice C) for transportation. Russia has an extensive railroad network that spans across the vast territory, connecting major cities and towns. Waterways, such as rivers and canals, are also significant means of transportation, especially in remote regions and for freight transport. While cars and trucks (Choice A) play a role in transportation, they are not the primary mode due to factors such as the size of the country and the availability of alternative options like rail and water transport. Airplanes and cars (Choice B) and subways and trucks (Choice D) are not the primary transportation modes in Russia. Therefore, the correct answer is Choice C, railroads, and waterways.