Can someone help me with this question? Conduct an interview to find out how someone else responds to the question, " Why is a negative number times a negative number a positive number?" Thanks.

Certainly! Conducting an interview to find out how someone else responds to a specific question is a great way to understand different perspectives and gather information. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Identify potential interviewees: Find individuals who have a good understanding of mathematics, specifically the concept of multiplying negative numbers. This could include math teachers, mathematicians, or fellow students who excel in math.

2. Prepare interview questions: Aside from the main question, "Why is a negative number times a negative number a positive number?", it would be beneficial to include additional related questions to gather more insights. For example:
- What is your understanding of negative numbers and their properties?
- Can you explain multiplication of positive numbers and how it relates to the concept of repeated addition?
- How does the concept of negatives fit into this multiplication model?
- What does it mean to multiply a positive number by a negative number or a negative number by a positive number?

3. Arrange interviews: Reach out to the potential interviewees and schedule appointments or meetings. You can conduct the interviews in person, via video conferencing, or through written communication, depending on what works best for all parties involved.

4. Conduct the interviews: Ask the prepared questions and encourage the interviewees to provide their explanations and thoughts behind their answers. Listen actively and take notes, as this will help you analyze and compare their responses later.

5. Analyze the responses: Once you have gathered all the interview responses, review and compare them. Look for common patterns, differing viewpoints, and any explanations that resonate with you or appear to be well-reasoned.

Remember, the goal of the interview is to understand different perspectives, so there may be various valid explanations for why a negative number times a negative number is a positive number.

Consider me interviewed.

It is true because it is.

Taking the negative of a number changes its sign. The sign can be positive or negative. If you start out with a negative number and change its sign, you end up positive.