What are some of the benefits that unsaturated fats and proteins provide when included in a balanced diet?

Fats offer a vast source of energy. (32kj as opposed to carbohydrates lowly 17kj for molecule)

Fats can also be converted into adipose tissue which insulates and protects the body.

Protein can be converted to glucose in deamination. And can also be used in growth replacement and repair of cells. Also used in replicating DNA during mitosis.

•What are some of the benefits that unsaturated fats and proteins provide when included in a balanced diet? Explain your answer.

Including unsaturated fats and proteins in a balanced diet offers several benefits for overall health. Unsaturated fats, such as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, are considered healthy fats, and they can provide the following benefits:

1. Heart Health: Consuming unsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, can help lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Brain Function: Omega-3 fatty acids found in unsaturated fats are essential for brain development and function. They have been linked to improved memory, learning ability, and overall cognitive function.

3. Inflammation Reduction: Unsaturated fats possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with many diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis, and various types of cancer.

4. Nutrient Absorption: Some vitamins, known as fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), require the presence of fats for optimal absorption in the body. Including unsaturated fats in your diet can help ensure proper absorption of these essential vitamins.

Proteins, on the other hand, have numerous benefits when added to a balanced diet. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Muscle Building and Repair: Proteins are the building blocks of muscles, which makes them vital for muscle growth and repair. Consuming enough protein helps maintain muscle mass and supports the recovery process after exercise or injury.

2. Satiety and Weight Management: Protein is highly satiating, meaning it keeps you feeling full for longer periods. This can aid in weight management by reducing appetite and preventing overeating.

3. Energy Production: Proteins provide the body with energy, especially when carbohydrate stores are low. They are broken down into amino acids, which can be converted into glucose to fuel various bodily functions.

4. Enzyme and Hormone Production: Proteins are necessary for the production of enzymes, which are vital for chemical reactions in the body. They also contribute to the production of hormones involved in crucial processes like metabolism, growth, and regulation of various bodily functions.

To include unsaturated fats and proteins in your balanced diet, you can incorporate foods like fatty fish (salmon, trout), avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds, lean meats, poultry, legumes, dairy products, and plant-based protein sources like tofu and tempeh. It is always recommended to consult a nutritionist or healthcare professional to determine the optimal intake for your specific dietary needs.