I need help understanding the question. This is for a World War I project. Thanks.

Compare the ideologies, polocies and governmental methods of at least two 20th century dictatorial regimes [Germany, Italy, Spain, USSR] with absolute rulers from previous eras.

Thanks again.=]

I suggest you first make a list of the ideologies, policies, and government methods of Adolf Hitler of Germany and one of the other dictators.

For instance: Hitler's ideologies included the superiority of the German people and the inferiority of almost everyone else -- including Jews, Poles, homosexuals, mentally ed, and gypsies. His policy was to conquer, enslave, or murder these "undesirables." His methods inluded instilling fear in everyone by the use of the paramilitary and the Gestapo.

Then think about the absolute rulers from previous eras that you've studied. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Draco of Greece, and some of the medieval European kings come to mind.

Make a list of their ideologies, policies, and governmental methods.

How are they different? How are they similar?

Okay thank you so much. I understand this now. =]

You're very welcome. I'm glad it's clear to you now. :-)

To understand the question, let's break it down into parts:

1. Compare ideologies: You need to examine and analyze the different ideologies of the dictatorial regimes you choose to study. This means understanding the core principles and beliefs that shaped their governance. For example, if you choose Germany and Italy, you could explore the fascist ideologies of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, respectively.

To compare ideologies, you can begin by researching the main ideas and principles of each regime. Look for official doctrines, speeches, and writings by the leaders of the respective regimes. This will help you understand their vision for their countries and the values they sought to promote.

2. Compare policies: After understanding the ideologies, you should analyze the policies implemented by each regime. Policies are specific actions taken by dictators to enforce their ideological beliefs. For instance, you could study Hitler's policies such as the persecution of Jews, expansionist foreign policies, and creation of concentration camps.

To compare policies, examine the actions and decisions made by each regime. Look into their domestic policies, economic policies, social policies, and foreign policies. Comparing how different dictators pursued their goals will help you understand their similarities or differences.

3. Compare governmental methods: This refers to the techniques and strategies used by dictators to maintain power and control over their countries. It involves understanding how they enforced their policies and governed their nations. For example, researching Hitler's use of propaganda, censorship, and suppressing political opposition would shed light on his governmental methods.

To compare governmental methods, study the methods used by the dictatorial regimes you have chosen. Look into their control of the media, suppression of dissent, establishment of secret police, and manipulation of legal and political systems. By comparing these methods, you can highlight similarities and differences between dictators from different eras.

Overall, to answer this question effectively, you need to thoroughly research and understand the ideologies, policies, and governmental methods of the dictatorial regimes you are comparing. By systematically examining these aspects, you can draw meaningful comparisons between the 20th century dictatorial regimes and previous eras of absolute rulers.