what factor did not contribute to the conquest of the Aztecs in the early 16th century?

A. The spread of European diseases
B. The technological and cultural weakness of the Aztec state
C. Alliances with other indigineous forces
D. Religious beliefs among the indigineous that suggested the Spanish were divinely led

I know that A and C DID contribute to the conquest but am not sure what is the correct answer (B or D) Please help.

D. is also true, so I suspect the answer is B. The Aztecs were certainly not culturally weak.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Yes, definitely B. Before the Spaniards arrived under Cortés in 1519, the warlike aztecas already dominated the territory that is now Mexico and a large part of Central America. Their capital, Tenochititlán was where Mexico City is now. Unfortunately their war prisoners were human sacrifices. They came after the Mayans, whose culture was very advanced.

Make it three for B.

fu oh no

Three is the correct answer. The factor that did not contribute to the conquest of the Aztecs in the early 16th century is B. The technological and cultural weakness of the Aztec state. The Aztecs were not culturally weak; they had a well-developed civilization with advanced architecture, complex societal structures, and significant agricultural and trading systems. They also had sophisticated engineering, including the construction of canals and causeways. In terms of technology, the Aztecs had advanced agricultural techniques, complex calendars, and intricate craftsmanship. It was the Spanish conquistadors' military tactics, alliances with other indigenous groups, the spread of European diseases, and religious beliefs among the indigenous that ultimately played key roles in the conquest.