How did the Four Modernizations make the Chinese economy more like the U.S. free enterprise system?

Check this site for some information.

To understand how the Four Modernizations made the Chinese economy more like the U.S. free enterprise system, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the provided link:
2. Scroll down the page until you find the section titled "Economic Reform."
3. Read through the section to familiarize yourself with the key points about the Four Modernizations and their impact on the Chinese economy.
4. Look for information on how these reforms aimed to introduce market-oriented policies and promote economic liberalization.
5. Pay attention to the specific areas targeted for modernization, such as agriculture, industry, defense, and science and technology.
6. Note any strategies mentioned, such as the introduction of profit-based incentives, decentralization of economic decision-making, and the creation of special economic zones.
7. Consider how these reforms align with the principles of the U.S. free enterprise system, which emphasizes private ownership, competition, and individual initiative.
8. Compare and contrast the two systems, noting any similarities and differences in terms of economic structure, government involvement, and the role of market forces.
9. Use the information gathered from the Wikipedia page to answer the question.