Check my answer please:

-6q + 5.8 = 23.8
- 5.8 - 5.8
-6q/-6 = 18/-6
q = -3

Again, I am not crazy about your second line, since you are solving equations, I don't see one.

I suggest this if you have to show your steps

-6q + 5.8 = 23.8
-6q + 5.8 - 5.8 = 23.8 - 5.8
-6q = 18

-6q-6 = 18/-6
q = -3

-3 is correct... -6q X -3 + 5.8 = 23.8

To check your answer, we substitute q = -3 back into the original equation and solve to see if both sides are equal.

Original equation: -6q + 5.8 = 23.8

Substituting q = -3:
-6(-3) + 5.8 = 23.8

18 + 5.8 = 23.8

23.8 = 23.8

The equation is balanced and both sides are equal, so your answer q = -3 is correct.

To check your answer, substitute q = -3 back into the original equation and see if it is satisfied.

Let's do that:

-6q + 5.8 = 23.8

Replace q with -3:

-6(-3) + 5.8 = 23.8


18 + 5.8 = 23.8

23.8 = 23.8

The equation is satisfied when q = -3. Therefore, your answer of q = -3 is correct.