A car rental agency charges $37.50 per day and $0.23 per mile or fraction thereof to rent a car. How many miles can be driven in a day before the charge reaches $100.00?

100 = 37.5 + .23 x

x = 271.7
so you can drive 271 miles

To find out how many miles can be driven in a day before the charge reaches $100.00, we need to consider the daily rental fee and the additional charge per mile.

Let's break down the charges:
- The daily rental fee is $37.50.
- The charge per mile or fraction thereof is $0.23.

We want to find the maximum number of miles that can be driven, so we can set up an equation to solve for it.

Let's assume the number of miles driven is represented by the variable "m". Therefore, the equation can be written as:

Daily rental fee + (Charge per mile × Number of miles driven) ≤ $100.00

Substituting the given values:
$37.50 + ($0.23 × m) ≤ $100.00

Now, we can solve for "m" to find the maximum number of miles:

$0.23 × m ≤ $100.00 - $37.50
$0.23 × m ≤ $62.50

To isolate "m", we can divide both sides of the inequality by $0.23:

m ≤ $62.50 / $0.23

Using a calculator, we find that:

m ≤ 271.74

Therefore, the maximum number of miles that can be driven in a day before the charge reaches $100.00 is 271 miles.