In which sentence is the underlined phrase a prepositional phrase functioning as an adjective?

My sister was born in Chicago.
She went to boarding school in Coventry.
My sister moved away in 2009.
Her grades gave my sister a place in the top rank of her class.

7. Read the sentence.

It is important to avoid harmful exposure to the sun’s direct rays.

Which group of words is the complete infinitive phrase in the sentence?

it is important to avoid
it is important
to avoid harmful exposure to the sun’s direct rays
to the sun’s direct rays

8. Read the sentences.

Henry Ford adapted the assembly line to make cars. The assembly line is an innovation in factory production.

Which sentence combines these two sentences with an appositive phrase?

Adapting an innovation in factory production, Henry Ford used the assembly line to make cars.
Henry Ford adapted the assembly line, an innovation in factory production, to produce cars.
Henry Ford adapted the assembly line, which was an innovation in factory production.
Henry Ford adapted the assembly line to make cars, and the assembly line is an innovation in factory production.

9. Read the sentences.

The Arctic region, where winters are long and cold, is home to more than 400 species of flowering plants.

Which group of words is an adjective clause in the sentence?

is home to more than 400 species of flowering plants
where winters are long and cold
of flowering plants
The Arctic region, where winters are long and cold

10. Read the sentence.

Coaches consider him the best athlete in his division.

How does the word athlete function in the sentence?

predicate adjective
indirect object
predicate nominative
objective complement

11. Read the sentence.

A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes designed some of the first simple machines.

Which group of words forms the complete subject?

A Greek mathematician and inventor
A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes
mathematician and inventor
some of the first simple machines

12. Read the sentence.

Loosened rocks may tumble down canyons when it is raining heavily.

Which word in the sentence is a participle?


13. In which sentence is the underlined group of words a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb?

My sister’s grades gave her a place in the top rank of her class.
My sister is going to write novels.
My sister hopes to be one of the finest novelists in the world.
My sister applied on Tuesday to a graduate school in England.

14. In which sentence is the underlined word a participle?

He kept jumping my checkers with his king.
The kangaroos were jumping across the plain.
The jumping frog startled us as we walked by.
Jumping is the preschooler’s favorite activity.

15. In which sentence is the word camping a gerund?

We noticed the camping club had set up their tents nearby.
My family and I enjoy camping.
Last summer, we were camping at the base of a waterfall.

16. In which sentence is the underlined clause an adverb clause?

We can harness solar energy wherever the sun shines.
Plate collectors, which capture the energy from the sun, are used to heat water and homes.
The study of solar energy has turned into a science that has a goal of creating renewable energy sources.

17. Read the sentences.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology.

Which sentence combines these two sentences with an appositive phrase?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology.
Being the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, and it is named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology.
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology.

18. Read the sentence.

The Palau Islands are located in the North Pacific Ocean, where old coral reefs rose above the sea.

Which is the adverb clause?

where old coral reefs rose above the sea
rose above the sea
in the North Pacific Ocean
are located in the North Pacific Ocean

19. In which sentence is the underlined phrase an adverb prepositional phrase?

Scientists on the International Space Station conduct hundreds of experiments.
Some of the experiments on the Space Station help in the design of new technology.
The International Space Station has created a strong partnership between many countries.
The United States launched its Skylab space station in May 1973.

20. In which sentence is the underlined word a gerund?

Breathing is a basic function controlled by the brain.
Even the microscopic bug was a tiny, breathing creature.
Dolphins are breathing only when they are above the water.

21. Read the sentences.

The open spaces appealed to many. The opportunities for independence also appealed to many.

Which uses a compound subject to combine the two sentences?

The open spaces and opportunities for independence appealed to many.
The open spaces appealed to many, and the opportunities for independence did too.
The opportunities for open spaces appealed to many.
Open spaces, opportunity, and independence appealed to many.

22. Read the sentence.

If your bicycle tire is low, use a pump to fill it with air.

Which word is the direct object in the sentence?


23. Read the sentence.

Coaches give hockey players facemasks to protect them from injuries.

Identify the indirect object in the sentence.


24. In which sentence is the underlined phrase an adverb clause?

Dolphins, whom scientists say can find things with their own sonar, are trained to find underwater explosives.
Although we might consider animals as pets, many animals work.
Dogs, such as bloodhounds, have a great sense of smell that allows them to help detectives.
A beagle puppy in the Florida Everglades was trained to sniff out pythons in the park.

25. Read the sentence.

Members of law enforcement quickly learned how to spot suspicious behavior.

Which of the following is the simple predicate?

quickly learned how to spot
Members of law enforcement


whats the answers ?


1. The underlined phrase "in Chicago" is a prepositional phrase functioning as an adjective in the sentence "My sister was born in Chicago."

To identify the prepositional phrase, first locate the preposition in the sentence. In this case, the preposition is "in." Then, identify the object of the preposition, which is "Chicago." The prepositional phrase "in Chicago" modifies the verb "born" and functions as an adjective, providing information about where the action took place.

2. The complete infinitive phrase in the sentence "It is important to avoid harmful exposure to the sun’s direct rays" is "to avoid harmful exposure to the sun's direct rays."

To identify the complete infinitive phrase, first locate the infinitive verb in the sentence. In this case, the infinitive verb is "to avoid." The complete infinitive phrase includes the infinitive verb "to avoid" and all the words that modify or complement it, which in this case is "harmful exposure to the sun's direct rays."

3. The sentence that combines the two sentences "Henry Ford adapted the assembly line to make cars" and "The assembly line is an innovation in factory production" with an appositive phrase is "Henry Ford adapted the assembly line, an innovation in factory production, to produce cars."

An appositive phrase is a noun or noun phrase that renames or further identifies another noun in the sentence. In this case, the phrase "an innovation in factory production" renames and provides more information about the noun phrase "the assembly line." The appositive phrase is set off by commas.

4. The adjective clause in the sentence "The Arctic region, where winters are long and cold, is home to more than 400 species of flowering plants" is "where winters are long and cold."

An adjective clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as an adjective, providing more information about a noun or pronoun in the sentence. In this case, the clause "where winters are long and cold" provides more information about the noun phrase "The Arctic region."

5. In the sentence "Coaches consider him the best athlete in his division," the word "athlete" functions as a predicate nominative.

A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence. In this case, the word "athlete" renames or identifies the subject "him" and functions as a predicate nominative.

6. The complete subject in the sentence "A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes designed some of the first simple machines" is "A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes."

The complete subject includes all the words that identify or describe the subject of the sentence. In this case, the complete subject is "A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes," which provides specific information about the subject of the sentence.

7. The participle in the sentence "Loosened rocks may tumble down canyons when it is raining heavily" is "loosened."

A participle is a verb form that can function as an adjective. In this case, the participle "loosened" modifies the noun "rocks," describing the state or condition of the rocks.

8. In the sentence "My sister’s grades gave her a place in the top rank of her class," the underlined group of words "in the top rank of her class" is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb.

To identify a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb, locate the preposition in the sentence. In this case, the preposition is "in." Then, identify the object of the preposition, which is "the top rank of her class." The prepositional phrase "in the top rank of her class" modifies the verb "gave" and functions as an adverb, providing information about where the action took place.

9. The participle in the sentence "The jumping frog startled us as we walked by" is "jumping."

A participle is a verb form that can function as an adjective. In this case, the participle "jumping" modifies the noun "frog," describing the action or state of the frog.

10. The underlined word "camping" is a gerund in the sentence "My family and I enjoy camping."

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun. In this case, the gerund "camping" functions as the object of the verb "enjoy" and represents the activity or concept of camping.

11. The underlined clause "wherever the sun shines" is an adverb clause in the sentence "We can harness solar energy wherever the sun shines."

An adverb clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as an adverb, providing more information about the verb, adjective, or adverb in the sentence. In this case, the clause "wherever the sun shines" modifies the verb "can harness" and provides information about where the action can be done.

12. The sentence that combines the two sentences "Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system" and "It is named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology" with an appositive phrase is "Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology."

An appositive phrase is a noun or noun phrase that renames or further identifies another noun in the sentence. In this case, the phrase "the largest planet in our solar system" renames and provides more information about the noun "Jupiter." The appositive phrase is set off by commas.

13. The adverb clause in the sentence "The Palau Islands are located in the North Pacific Ocean, where old coral reefs rose above the sea" is "where old coral reefs rose above the sea."

An adverb clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as an adverb, providing more information about the verb, adjective, or adverb in the sentence. In this case, the clause "where old coral reefs rose above the sea" modifies the verb "located" and provides information about where the Palau Islands are located.

14. The underlined phrase "on the Space Station" is an adverb prepositional phrase in the sentence "Some of the experiments on the Space Station help in the design of new technology."

To identify an adverb prepositional phrase, locate the preposition in the sentence. In this case, the preposition is "on." Then, identify the object of the preposition, which is "the Space Station." The prepositional phrase "on the Space Station" modifies the noun "experiments" and functions as an adverb, providing information about where the experiments take place.

15. The underlined word "breathing" is a gerund in the sentence "Breathing is a basic function controlled by the brain."

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun. In this case, the gerund "breathing" functions as the subject of the sentence and represents the action or concept of breathing.

16. The underlined clause "whom scientists say can find things with their own sonar" is an adverb clause in the sentence "Dolphins, whom scientists say can find things with their own sonar, are trained to find underwater explosives."

An adverb clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as an adverb, providing more information about the verb, adjective, or adverb in the sentence. In this case, the clause "whom scientists say can find things with their own sonar" modifies the noun "Dolphins," providing information about the dolphins' abilities as described by scientists.

17. The simple predicate in the sentence "Members of law enforcement quickly learned how to spot suspicious behavior" is "learned."

The simple predicate (verb) is the main action or state of being in a sentence. In this case, the verb "learned" is the main action performed by the subject "Members of law enforcement."

1. I doubt if any of us want to check 25 answers.

2. Please post the five that you truly don't understand or aren't sure about.

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