1. In 1975, two years after U.S. forces had pulled out of Vietnam, the

a. non-Communist forces defeated the Communists.
b. Cambodian forces took over most of Vietnam.
c. Laotian forces took over most of Vietnam.
d. Communist forces took over South Vietnam.

i have no idea, but my book states the independent vietnam under communist rule had failed. There was also quarrels between communist leaders and cambodia.

2. During the 1970s, the southern and western areas of the nation grew more rapidly than the northeastern areas.

sorry...my book doesnt say anything about this


To answer the first question, you can eliminate options a, b, and c based on the information you provided from your book. Option d is the most likely correct answer based on the fact that the independent Vietnam under communist rule had failed. This suggests that the Communist forces took over South Vietnam.

For the second question, since your book does not provide any information on the topic, you would need to consult other sources such as demographic data, economic reports, or historical records to determine whether the southern and western areas of the nation did indeed experience more rapid growth compared to the northeastern areas during the 1970s.