Which is the most important step you need to do as a study reader?

A. Take notes while you read.

B. Survey the chapters before you begin detailed reading.

C. Answer questions as you read.

D. All of the above.

im Stumped :(

How does your text define "study reader"?

it doesnt, it just says this question,

Since I think A and B are both important and C is all right, I'd choose D!!

To determine the most important step you need to do as a study reader, let's break down the options and analyze them:

A. Take notes while you read.
Taking notes while you read is indeed a crucial step that helps you retain and organize information. It allows you to summarize the main points, highlight key ideas, and make connections between different concepts. Taking notes actively engages your mind with the material, making it easier to remember and comprehend.

B. Survey the chapters before you begin detailed reading.
Surveying the chapters before diving into detailed reading is also a valuable step. It involves quickly skimming through the headings, subheadings, and any highlighted or bolded text. By doing this, you get an overview of the content, which helps you build a mental framework and anticipate what you will be reading. This preview helps you organize your thoughts and approach the material more effectively.

C. Answer questions as you read.
Answering questions as you read is a strong technique to promote active reading. It involves continuously questioning and seeking answers while reading. This helps you maintain focus, identify key information, and consolidate your understanding. By constantly engaging with the material and questioning it, you become an active participant in the reading process.

D. All of the above.
Considering the value of each step mentioned, it is clear that all the options listed (A, B, and C) are important steps for a study reader. They all serve different purposes, but together they form a comprehensive approach to effective studying. Therefore, option D, "All of the above," would be the correct answer.

In summary, as a study reader, it is essential to take notes while you read, survey the chapters before detailed reading, and answer questions as you read. By incorporating these techniques, you can enhance your comprehension, retention, and overall study experience.