write a function for delete a 'ITEM' from a linear queue.

To delete an item from a linear queue, you can use the following function:

def delete_item(queue, item):
Deletes an item from a linear queue.

queue: The linear queue.
item: The item to be deleted.

The updated queue after deleting the item.
if item not in queue:
print("Item not found in the queue.")
return queue

index = queue.index(item)

return queue


1. Declare a function named `delete_item` that takes in two parameters - `queue` (the linear queue) and `item` (the item to be deleted).
2. Check if the `item` is present in the `queue` by using the `in` operator. If it is not found, print a message and return the original `queue` unchanged.
3. Find the index of the `item` in the `queue` using the `index` method.
4. Use the `pop` method to remove the item from the `queue` at the specified index.
5. Return the updated `queue` after deleting the item.

You can call this function in your program and pass the linear queue and the item you want to delete as arguments. The function will return the updated queue after deleting the specified item.