Which parallelograms have perpendicular diagonals?

A. rectangle, rhombus
B. square, rhombus
C. square, rectangle
D. none

I know the answer isn't C.

B is correct

Its B

I just did the quiz and got 100%!

The answer is A. rectangle and rhombus.

To determine which parallelograms have perpendicular diagonals, we need to understand the properties of each shape.

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel.

A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles measuring 90 degrees. It also has diagonals that are equal in length, but they are not necessarily perpendicular.

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. Its diagonals are also equal in length, but they may or may not be perpendicular.

A square is a special type of rectangle and rhombus. It has all the properties of both shapes. All four angles in a square measure 90 degrees, all sides are equal, and its diagonals are both equal in length and perpendicular to each other.

Therefore, the parallelograms that have perpendicular diagonals are the rectangle and the square.

So, the correct answer is A. rectangle, rhombus.