I have a project in which I make my own game, name it, write about the rules, etc. When I include the name of my game in my write-up, do I italicize it?

You'd italicize the name of a computer game, but not any other kind of game.


Okay, so I don't use italics or quotes, but just write the name of the game, right?


When including the name of your game in your write-up, it is common to apply formatting to distinguish it from the rest of the text. There are a few different methods you can use, including italics, quotation marks, or capitalization. The choice often depends on the specific style guide or personal preference.

If you decide to use italics, it is generally used for longer works such as books, films, or video games. It helps to ensure that the title stands out from the rest of the text. To italicize the name of your game, you will need to apply specific formatting in your document or text editor.

Here is how to italicize text in commonly used software:

1. Microsoft Word: Select the name of your game, then go to the "Home" tab at the top of the screen. Look for the "Italic" button (usually represented with slanted "I" letter) in the "Font" section. Clicking this button will italicize the selected text.

2. Google Docs: Similar to Microsoft Word, select the name of your game and then click on the "Italic" button in the formatting toolbar at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut "Ctrl + I" (or "Cmd + I" on Mac) to toggle italics on and off.

3. Plain text editors: If you are working with a plain text editor or a platform that does not offer built-in formatting options, you can indicate italics by using underscores (_) or asterisks (*) to surround the game name. For example, you could write _My Game_ or *My Game* to designate it as italicized.

Remember to be consistent with your formatting throughout your write-up, ensuring that the name of your game is presented uniformly.