The local election is over and a new mayor has been elected to lead Big Town. The new mayor received three votes for every vote received by her opponent. The new mayor received 2,541 votes. How many votes did her opponent receive?

n = 3o

2541 = 3o

2541/3 = 3o/3

o = 847

To find out how many votes the opponent received, we need to determine the ratio between the votes received by the new mayor and her opponent.

According to the information given, the new mayor received three votes for every vote received by her opponent. We can represent this ratio as 3:1.

To find the number of votes received by the opponent, we can set up a proportion. Let's call the number of votes received by the opponent "x":

3 (votes received by the new mayor) : 1 (votes received by the opponent) = 2541 (votes received by the new mayor) : x (votes received by the opponent)

Simplifying the proportion, we have:

3/1 = 2541/x

Cross-multiplying, we get:

3x = 2541

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

x = 847

Therefore, the opponent received 847 votes.