In a baseball ready position preparing to field the ball, a player should be positioned so that his

· legs are side by side and his weight is back on his heels for support.
· legs are side by side and knees locked.
· legs are about shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent.
· all of the above

my answer is C

correct. This is health?

Correct! In a baseball ready position preparing to field the ball, a player should have their legs about shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent. This position provides a stable base for quick movement in any direction. Having the legs too close together (option B - legs are side by side and knees locked) could limit mobility and make it difficult to react quickly. Additionally, having the weight back on the heels (option A - legs are side by side and weight back on heels for support) allows for better balance and leverage when making quick movements. So, option C - legs about shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent is the best answer.