Alice has two part-time jobs. One job she makes 8 dollars per hour and the other she makes 12 dollars per hour. One week she made worked 30 hours and made 268 dollars. How many hours at each job?

X Hrs @ $8 per hr.

(30-8) Hrs @ $12 per hr.

8x + 12(30-x) = $268
8x + 360 - 12x = 268
-4x = 268-360 = -92

X = 23 Hrs. @ $8 per hr.
30-23 = 7 Hrs @ $12 per hr.


(30-X) Hrs. @ $12 per Hr.
NOT (30-8).

To solve this problem, let's assume Alice worked x hours at her first job where she makes 8 dollars per hour. Therefore, she would have worked (30 - x) hours at her second job where she makes 12 dollars per hour.

Now, let's calculate the total amount she earned from each job:

For the first job: 8 dollars/hour * x hours = 8x dollars
For the second job: 12 dollars/hour * (30 - x) hours = 12(30 - x) dollars

According to the problem, the total amount Alice earned from both jobs is 268 dollars. So, we can set up the equation:

8x + 12(30 - x) = 268

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

8x + 360 - 12x = 268
-4x + 360 = 268
-4x = 268 - 360
-4x = -92
x = -92 / -4
x = 23

Therefore, Alice worked 23 hours at her first job and (30 - 23) = 7 hours at her second job.