5. (a) Using the information below estimate the time required to analyse the data collected

using the two motion analysis systems when there are 10 markers on the subject and the data
is collected for 100 frames.

Cinematography system
2 seconds per marker
5seconds to change frame

Passive marker
10 seconds to identify each marker

Motion analysis system
1 marker disappears on four occasions

To estimate the time required to analyze the data collected using the two motion analysis systems, we need to consider the time it takes for each system to analyze the data.

1. Cinematography system:
- The time required per marker is 2 seconds.
- There are 10 markers on the subject, so it would take 10 x 2 = 20 seconds to analyze all the markers.
- It also takes 5 seconds to change frames, so we need to multiply this by the number of frames collected. In this case, it's 100 frames, so 5 x 100 = 500 seconds.

2. Passive marker:
- It takes 10 seconds to identify each marker. Since there are 10 markers, it would take 10 x 10 = 100 seconds to identify all the markers.

3. Motion analysis system:
- The motion analysis system mentions that 1 marker disappears on four occasions. Since there are 10 markers, we can assume that each marker disappears on four occasions as well. So, there are a total of 10 x 4 = 40 occasions where a marker disappears.
- The time required to analyze each occasion where a marker disappears is not mentioned. Without this information, it is not possible to estimate the exact time required for the motion analysis system.

Therefore, based on the given information, the estimated time required to analyze the data collected using the two motion analysis systems would be 20 seconds for the cinematography system (excluding frame change time) and 100 seconds for the passive marker identification. However, we cannot estimate the time required for the motion analysis system without additional information.