From the standpoint of social and cultural psychologists:

A. few societies have changed from warlike to peaceful and vice versa.

B. outbreaks of horrifying violence are usually the result of inner aggressive drives and the sheer evilness of the enemy.

C. all human beings and all cultures contain the potential for good and for evil.

D. healthy people rarely commit terribly disturbing or violent acts.


From the standpoint of social and cultural psychologists, the answer is C. All human beings and cultures contain the potential for both good and evil.

To understand this answer, it is important to consider the research and theories in social and cultural psychology. These branches of psychology study how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social and cultural factors.

Social psychology suggests that individuals' behaviors are influenced by various factors, including social norms, group dynamics, and situational factors. It recognizes that both individual characteristics and the larger social and cultural context can contribute to behavior.

Cultural psychology emphasizes the role of culture in shaping individuals' beliefs, values, and behaviors. It recognizes that different cultures have different norms, beliefs, and expectations, which can influence individuals' actions.

Based on research and understanding from these perspectives, it is clear that human beings and cultures are not inherently good or evil. Rather, individuals have the capacity to engage in both positive and negative behaviors, depending on various factors such as personal values, social pressures, and situational factors.

It is important to note that while the potential for good and evil exists in all human beings and cultures, this does not imply that everyone is equally likely to engage in violent or disturbing acts. Factors such as mental health, upbringing, and environmental influences can play a role in determining whether a person is likely to commit such acts. However, it is important to understand that even healthy individuals may engage in violent or disturbing behavior under certain circumstances.

In summary, the standpoint of social and cultural psychologists suggests that all human beings and cultures contain the potential for good and evil, but various factors influence whether individuals engage in violent or disturbing acts.