Jackson's attitude toward the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia is best described as:






Defiant! Most definitely


pls help

To determine Jackson's attitude toward the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia, it's helpful to understand the context of the case. Worcester v. Georgia was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1832 that involved a dispute between the state of Georgia and the Cherokee Nation. The Court ruled that Georgia did not have the authority to enforce state laws within Cherokee territory, which protected the sovereignty of Native American tribes.

Jackson, who was the President of the United States at the time, was known for his strong-willed and combative personality. In this case, he sided with Georgia and disagreed with the Supreme Court's ruling. So, based on this information, the best description of Jackson's attitude toward the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia would be:

- Defiant.

Jackson's defiance can be understood by his response to the ruling, where he is famously reported to have said: "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" This statement shows Jackson's unwillingness to accept the authority of the Supreme Court's decision in this case and showcases his defiant attitude towards the Court's power.

Therefore, the correct answer is defiant.