I was wondering if someone could please explian to me the three types of numeric filing/numbering system or if there is a web-site that can help me I am not understanding this thanks very much for your help

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Of course, I can help you with that! There are three commonly used types of numeric filing or numbering systems: consecutive, terminal digit, and middle digit. I will briefly explain each of them to give you an understanding.

1. Consecutive Filing: In this system, each record or document is assigned a unique and consecutive number based on the order it is received or created. For example, the first record would be numbered 001, the second 002, and so on. It is a simple and straightforward method, but it can be challenging to find specific records quickly because they are not organized based on any other criteria.

2. Terminal Digit Filing: In this system, numbers are divided into groups of digits. Typically, a number is divided into three parts: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The tertiary digit represents the units, the secondary digit represents tens or hundreds, while the primary digit represents thousands or larger groups. For example, a document with the number 12-34-56 would be filed under the primary group 12, secondary group 34, and tertiary group 56. Terminal digit filing is designed to evenly distribute records throughout the filing system, which can help with evenly distributing the workload.

3. Middle Digit Filing: Similar to terminal digit filing, middle digit filing divides numbers into groups. However, instead of dividing at the end (terminal) of the number, it divides at the middle. For instance, if a document has the number 123-456-789, the primary digit would be 123, the secondary digit would be 456, and the tertiary digit would be 789. Middle digit filing is considered more flexible and easier to maintain than terminal digit filing.

To further understand these systems, you can visit websites such as:
- Investopedia (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/consecutive-filing.asp)
- SearchNetworking (https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/middle-digit-filing-system)

These websites offer detailed explanations with examples to help you grasp the concepts more effectively.