1.which of the following were found to destroy ozone in the upper atmosphere?

A. sulfur oxides
B. cfcs(i pick this)
C. nitrogen oxides
D. carbon dioxide

2.which of the following sets of terms is associated with air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels?

A. acid rain,ozone hole,skin cancer
B. methane,smog,carbon dioxide(i pick this)
C. sulfur dioxide,smog,chlorofluorocarbons
D. carbon dioxide,smog,acid rain.

3.which of the following phrases decribes a proven method for dealing with the problem of air pollution?

A. laws and treaties that limit or ban pollutants(i pick this)
B. convincing people to accept pollution
C. voluntary reduction in the numbers of automobiles on the road.
D. decreased trade between countries

4.which of the following contributes to air pollution?

A. moving the lawn
B. watering the lawn
C. burning leaves and brush(i pick this)
D. sprinkling fertilizer around plants.

1. B

2. D
3. A
4. 3

Jiskha is right I got 100%


Thanks 100 percent is anyone from connexus academy??

Hay Matt, number 2 is wrong it's d

jishka is awesome

Thanks Jiskha. Your name is the same as the website I got a 100%

Baka coming on here for the same reasons as everyone else and judging is called being a hypocrite! Just searching it out to troll means you have way to much time on your hands and you need a hobby! No reason to leave a nasty comment to make you feel better about yourself. If a kid checks their homework so be it! There is no need for you to bully and troll. Now move along.

Wait what was number 4 ?

thanks jiskha


So Baka, what explains the fact that you're on this website and question too huh?

And Matt just wanted to check his answers not get everyones answers.

And I get what you're trying to say but I just wanted to ask you that question..