a. Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide

b. What I see as the biggest challenges young adults face today

can someone help me write these two assignment? ppls

We'll be glad to help you write this assignment. Is each question supposed to be written in one paragraph?s

What are your ideas about each question?

yes these are two assignment I will try to post how they need to be created


SP180 Principles of Public Speaking

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

1. Create a complete preparation outline using the outline template below.

2. Choose from one of the topics below to develop into an outline.
a. Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide
b. What I see as the biggest challenges young adults face today

3. State the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea clearly and in the appropriate form.

4. Limit your main points and supporting materials to no more than three.

5. State your main points and supporting materials in complete sentences.

6. Summarize key points of introduction.

7. Summarize the conclusion in one statement.

8. Based on your submitted outline, begin writing the first draft of your speech while studying the next lesson. In Lesson 7, you will study how to write the
components of your speech. The outcome of this process is a final written speech to be submitted as your final assignment in Lesson 7.

Use this outline as your template.

A. General Purpose
B. Specific Purpose
C. Central idea

I. Introduction
A. Key point #1
B. Key point #2
C. Key point #3
II. Body of the Presentation
A. Main Point #1
1. Supporting material
2. Supporting material
B. Main Point #2
1. Supporting material
2. Supporting material
C. Main Point #3
1. Supporting material
2. Supporting material
I. Conclusion

just help me with my outline on the topic: what i see as the biggest challenges young adults face today

Please help me write assignement 7. The topic is Why banning the use of cell phones should be mandatory worldwide

Sure, I can help you with that! Here are some points to consider for each assignment:

a. Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide:

1. Safety concerns: Explain the dangers of using cell phones while driving, such as being distracted and taking attention away from the road. Include statistics on the increase in accidents or fatalities caused by distracted driving.

2. Legal consistency: Discuss the importance of having consistent laws across the entire nation to reduce confusion for drivers. This would prevent individuals from driving in different states where different rules might apply.

3. Societal impact: Highlight the potential consequences of accidents caused by cell phone use while driving, such as property damage, medical expenses, and emotional trauma. Emphasize that implementing a nationwide ban can contribute to a safer society.

4. Policy effectiveness: Present evidence of how banning cell phone use while driving has been effective in reducing accidents in areas where such laws are already in place, such as specific states or countries.

5. Alternative solutions: Suggest alternative measures that can be taken, such as using hands-free devices, educating the public on the dangers of cell phone use while driving, and implementing tougher penalties for offenders.

b. The biggest challenges young adults face today:

1. Financial burden: Discuss the challenges young adults face regarding student loan debt, high cost of living, and difficulties finding well-paying jobs. Explain how these financial burdens can impact their ability to achieve financial independence and accomplish life goals.

2. Mental health pressures: Address the increasing rates of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, among young adults. Explain the various factors contributing to these pressures, including academic stress, social media, and societal expectations.

3. Career uncertainty: Highlight the challenges young adults face in navigating a constantly changing job market, including competition, underemployment, and career instability. Discuss the need for continuous learning and adaptability in today's rapidly evolving work environment.

4. Social relationships: Discuss the impact of technology on social relationships, such as increased social isolation, difficulty in building meaningful connections, and the pressure to maintain a curated online identity. Address the challenges of balancing virtual and real-life interactions.

5. Climate change and environmental concerns: Explain the increasing awareness and concern among young adults regarding climate change and environmental issues. Discuss the challenges they face in advocating for sustainable practices and making a positive impact on the planet.

Remember, these are just starting points, and you can expand upon them further in your assignments. Good luck!