How do you do a double conversions and metric measurements?

32km/hr > m/s

Like how do you convert that?

V = 32km/h = 32000m/3600s = 8.89 m/s.

32km = 32,000 m.
1h = 3600s.

anything/divided by the same thing does not change anything really but the name of it

so multiplying by (1000 m/ 1 km ) for example
does not change the amount, just its name

(32 km/hr)(1 hr/3600s)(1000 m/km)
hr cancels, km cancels
comes out in m/s

That trick does not matter here, but when you get problems with a whole bunch of conversions needed, it sure helps.

Yes, I use that trick when there are more conversions than we have here.

To convert kilometers per hour to meters per second, you need to perform a double conversion. Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Convert kilometers to meters
To convert kilometers to meters, you need to multiply the value by 1000, as there are 1000 meters in one kilometer. Therefore, for 32 kilometers:

32 km * 1000 m/km = 32,000 meters

Step 2: Convert hours to seconds
To convert hours to seconds, you need to multiply the value by 3600, as there are 3600 seconds in one hour. Therefore, for 1 hour:

1 hr * 3600 s/hr = 3600 seconds

Now that you have both values in meters and seconds, you can proceed with the final step.

Step 3: Calculate meters per second
To calculate meters per second, simply divide the value in meters (32,000 m) by the value in seconds (3600 s):

32,000 m / 3600 s ≈ 8.89 m/s

So, 32 kilometers per hour is approximately equal to 8.89 meters per second.

Remember, when performing conversions, it's essential to keep track of the units and use the correct conversion factors to ensure accuracy.