For every dime spent, Sam receives 15 food pebbles to feed the animals at the zoo. Sam fed the animals a total of 135 food pebbles. Write and solve an equation to find the number of dimes Sam spent at the zoo.

135/15 = d

thank you :)

To solve this problem, we can set up a simple equation.

Let's represent the number of dimes spent by Sam as 'd'.

According to the given information, for every dime spent, Sam receives 15 food pebbles.

So, the total number of food pebbles received by Sam can be calculated by multiplying the number of dimes spent (d) with the number of food pebbles received per dime (15).

This can be expressed as:
Total number of food pebbles = d * 15

We are given that Sam fed the animals a total of 135 food pebbles.

So, we can set up the equation as follows:
d * 15 = 135

To find the value of 'd' (the number of dimes spent), we can solve this equation.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 15, we get:
d = 135/15

Simplifying the equation, we find that d = 9.

Therefore, Sam spent 9 dimes at the zoo to feed the animals.