1. An example of a hardship would be

-winning a surfing contest.
-taking part in a television interview
-going without food,water, and sleep

2.Imagine that Emily Costello has written a follow-up article about Bethany. It is called "Still Feeling Complete." Based on what you read in "A Year of Living Bravely," and on the title of the follow-up article, what do you think it might be about?
-Bethany's decision to have a new arm made because she feels she will never be able to succeed without it
-Bethany's dedication to learning how to complete more task using her remaining natural limbs
-Bethany's reasons for giving up surfing and dedicating her life to giving motivational speeches in schools
-Bethany's resolve to get over her fear of surfing and finally return to the water

3.Read this: What would your mom say if you wore out a pair of shoes and had to get a new pair every 17 days?Too many shoes?That's what Andy Payne did and his mother never scolded him.
Which type of attention-getting device does the author use in this passage?
-surprising fact
-statement that presents interesting information
-rhetorical question

4.Identify the subordinate clause in the following sentence.While I am not entirely sure, Bryant was a gold medalist in the shot put last year.
-While I am not entirely sure
-not entirely sure
-Bryant was a gold medalist
-Bryant was a gold medalist in the shot put last year

5.Identify the sentence with the independent clause underlined.
-BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO WIN, Lanie practiced hard every day.
-ALTHOUGH CALE IS FAIRLY SURE ABOUT THE NEXT MOVE. the team decides to follow Manny's suggestion and go for the touchdown.
-Although he was first to report the missing dog, GARY DID NOT RECEIVE THE REWARD MONEY.

My Answer is:
2.B OR C
3.C OR D
5.B OR C..but i mostly think C

1 = not A

4 = not B

5 = C

I don't know about the others.

It looks as if you need to go back and re-study things!!




Yes, now those are right.

what is number 2 and 3

1 C

2 B
3 D
4 A
5 C

Those are all correct.

1. You are correct, the example of a hardship would be "going without food, water, and sleep." This is an example of a difficult situation or challenge.

2. To determine what the article "Still Feeling Complete" might be about, we can look at the information given in "A Year of Living Bravely" and the title itself. Based on the given options, it is most likely that the article is about Bethany's dedication to learning how to complete more tasks using her remaining natural limbs. This is implied by the title "Still Feeling Complete," suggesting that Bethany is determined to overcome her challenges and find fulfillment.

3. The attention-getting device used in the passage is a surprising fact. The author presents the surprising fact that Andy Payne wore out a pair of shoes every 17 days, and his mother never scolded him for having too many shoes. This grabs the reader's attention by providing an unexpected and interesting piece of information.

4. The subordinate clause in the sentence is "While I am not entirely sure." It is a dependent clause because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and relies on the rest of the sentence for meaning.

5. The sentence with the independent clause underlined is "Karyn ran a marathon, DESPITE BEING TOLD SHE WOULD NEVER RUN AGAIN." The underlined portion, "Karyn ran a marathon," is an independent clause because it can stand alone as a complete sentence. The rest of the sentence provides additional information and context.